Welcome to …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Debt – the world’s fifth favourite Boston United website.
ToD began life in 2002 as impsTALK, a webzine which slowly fizzled out after Steve Evans left the club in 2007 and took the tragi-comedy with him.
The name ‘impsTALK’ derives from the very first incarnation of the site which first appeared in May 2002 with the express intention of giving the mighty Imps a hearty boot up the backside into liquidation.
Yeah. Cruel. And karma saw to it that we got our just reward, with Boston United’s increasingly comic Football League campaigns culminating in the return of Steve Evans and the near collapse of the football club in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
You’ll be able to find plenty of content from the old site around here if you dig around.
impsTALK pretty much died a death when David Newton and Neil Kempster bought Boston United in 2007 and turned it into every fanzine editor’s worst nightmare: a respectable, professionally-run football club staffed by good people. Absolute bullshit. As such, impsTALK had nothing to mock, changed its name to Trail of Dead, and went straight.
ToD also features content from the legendary Boston United fanzine From Behind Your Fences, which is reproduced here with the kind permission of its editor, Richard O. Smith.
Obtaining Credit
Trail of Dead/impsTALK was created by Pete Brooksbank, who, amongst other things, has written comedy for BBC Radio 4 and football stuff for When Saturday Comes, the Boston Standard, The Inside Left, Cod Almighty and a load of other stuff that has long since been forgotten. Pete now writes the Terrace Chatter column in the Boston United matchday programme The Pilgrim.
You can follow ToD on Twitter at @TrailOfDebt if you really want to. Or don’t.