http://www.bufc.drfox.org.uk arrested after drunken brawl with http://www.bufc.co.uk
Fights mars 10th anniversary celebrations
Boston United’s legendary webmaster Ken Fox was said to be ‘disappointed’ last night after his 10 year old website was arrested by police in Nottingham when a night of drunken debauchery ended in violence.
http://www.bufc.drfox.org.uk was out celebrating 10 years on the internet with fellow fansite http://www.ciderspace.co.uk from Yeovil. The two websites had been seen drinking heavily in and around the upmarket Lace Market area of Nottingham without incident. However as the pair moved into the city centre, they saw http://www.bufc.co.uk outside Yates, sparking an ugly confrontation between the rival Boston United sites.
One onlooker, http://www.toffeeweb.com, told impsTALK: ‘Ciderspace tried to hold drfox.org.uk back but wasn’t able to. What followed was a bit of push and shove to begin with. www.bufc.co.uk shouted something like ‘where’s your animated gifs then?’ dr.fox.org retorted ‘at least my pages aren’t a garish colour mish-mash, see any green text on my pages you f***-wit?’ It gradually got worse from there.’
Other onlookers could only watch as the two websites were quickly embroiled in a brawl that resulted in the official website suffering two broken links and a Page Not Found. The pair were taken into custody after treatment by attendant Dreamweaver parawebics.
‘It was pretty nasty,’ said homeless http://www.freewebs.com/impstalk, who watched the scene from a nearby cash machine where it was begging for small change. ‘There was HTML all over the road.’
Ken Fox admitted he was astonished his creation had got involved in the disturbance, saying the confrontation was probably provoked by the official site. ‘I’m disappointed,’ he said. ‘But we all know that official thing has an attitude problem.’
However Boston United webmaster Craig Singleton denied this. ‘Mine was having a few quiet drinks with a couple of PTV sites,’ he said. ‘From all accounts it was Ken Fox’s page that got all lairy and started shouting insults across the bar. It’s not the first time this has happened and probably won’t be the last.’